About Us

The Presbyterian Church of Waynesboro is a member congregation of the
Presbyterian Church (USA).  We are a part of the Presbytery of Carlisle and the Synod of the Trinity

Our Mission

 Responding to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, we hear God calling us to…

Know Christ

(John 15:4, Phil. 4:8,10)
through preaching, prayer, worship and praise

Grow in Christ

(John 15:5, Eph. 4:12,15)
through teaching, training, nurture and caring,

Show Christ to the world

(John 15:16, Mt. 28:19,20)
reaching out locally & globally in mission and evangelism.

Our Mission requires that we be…

  1. a worshipping church, that glorifies God in joyful worship and praise;
  2. a preaching church, that believes and proclaims God’s Word as truth;
  3. a teaching church, that nurtures and equips people in that truth;
  4. a Christ-loving church, eager to know Him in vital faith and obedience;
  5. a praying church that seeks to be responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit;
  6. a helping church, that cares for and serves others for Christ’s sake;
  7. a witnessing church, that reaches beyond itself to show Christ to others;
  8. a giving church, that strongly supports local and global mission efforts;
  9. a growing church that draws new persons into a relationship with Christ;
  10. a loving church that demonstrates the Good News of God’s grace.

Session of PCW has affirmed the following Confessing Church statement:

We hold to the central tenets of the Reformed Christian Faith as articulated in the Book of Confessions of the PC(USA), including…

That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

That holy Scripture is the Triune God's revealed Word, the Church's only infallible rule of faith and life.

That God's people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.